

  1. To edit this text, click in the box and it will bring up your Edit Html box.
  2. You can make bullet points, add images and format text.
  3. The main page heading is Heading 1 and therefore you should not use this in this page. Use Heading 2 for top level headings on this page. Further headings should be heading 3 /4 only if required. Otherwise just use "normal text".
  4. To format a piece of text, highlight the text and click the second icon in on the left above, and select the relevant format type.
  5. Please refrain from using italic text and bold text in excess as search engines will believe this is a method of 'keyword stuffing' which will have a big impact on SEO.
  6. You do not need to add subheadings but it will be helpful for SEO if you use them efficiently.
  7. When you hover over a box, it will give you red lines either side, here you can drag to size them. Use the arrows in the top right corner of the box to move them. This can be a little fiddly. 

The Valley

Introduction to the overview of what is in the Valley, then use subheadings to hone in on those particular parts. I have used "The Valley" as a placeholder as you know your own home and surrounding area than me.

Subheading for The Valley

Full information, guides and other information for visitors.

Subheading for The Valley

If you insert an image into this box and it is very big. When you save and preview it, the Lodgify system will shrink it to size so don't worry about that.

Once you press Save on the bottom right of these Edit HTML boxes, the system will save your information. This means you can keep making changes and not press publish to save your work. 

Only press publish at the top of the page to preview your work using 'preview'. Do not press publish unless you are sure all content on your new pages is ready to be live. Publish will make your changes lives.